The Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) is a set of techniques that has proven to be efficacious in the treatment of chronic depression. This book describes ways in which it can be extended in the treatment of patients with a wide variety of psychological disorders and difficulties, in a wide variety of settings.Vivid case illustrations and session transcripts illuminate the authors' presentation of appropriate modifications and implementations of the basic approach for personality and anxiety disorders, behavior problems in children, couples distress, and anger. The approach is flexible, efficient, and simple to train. One chapter focuses on methods for helping parents to help their own children more effectively.CBASP has been shown to work both for patients with severe psychological symptoms and for those with more common everyday problems; both for those who are psychologically sophisticated and for those who are not.Simple Treatments for Complex Problems offers powerful new tools for the clinical armamentarium of mental health professionals who do psychotherapy, and the conceptual armamentarium of those who train them and study treatment effectiveness.