
HTML: The Definitive Guide

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HTML: The Definitive Guide

The third edition of HTML: The Definitive Guide, updated to cover HTML 4.0, is chock full of examples, sample code, and practical hands-on advice to help you create truly effective Web pages and master advanced features. Learn how to insert images and other multimedia elements, create useful links and searchable documents, use Netscape extensions, design great forms, and lots more. This complete guide describes basic syntax and semantics and shows how to create beautiful, informative, and dynamic Web documents. The third edition covers the most widely used version of the HTML standard (HTML version 4.0), Netscape 4.5 and Internet Explorer 4.0, plus all the common extensions. The authors cover every element of the currently accepted version of the language and explain how each works and interacts with all the other elements. They've also included a style guide that shows how to best use HTML to accomplish a variety of tasks, from simple online documentation to complex marketing and sales presentations.
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