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Memory and Mind: A Festschrift for Gordon H. Bower
Alan Lesgold
Brian Ross
Elizabeth F. Loftus
William K. Estes
3.68 Mb
Memory and Mind: A Festschrift for Gordon H. Bower
Alan Lesgold
Brian Ross
Elizabeth F. Loftus
William K. Estes
3.68 Mb
Metal speciation and contamination of soil
Herbert E. Allen
Chin-Pao Huang
George W. Bailey
Alan R. Bowers
'Metals -- Environmental aspects.'
'Metals -- Speciation.'
'Soil remediation.'
'Poluicao do solo (prevencao controle)'
12.27 Mb
Pressure Regimes in Sedimentary Basins and Their Prediction: An Outgrowth of the International Forum Sponsored by the Houston Chapter of the American Association ... Houston, TX, September 2-4,
American Association of Drilling Engineers
Alan R. Huffman
Glenn L. Bowers
74.30 Mb